Sunday 22 April 2012

Hello Achievers who achieve!

I hate Facebook, as it is a pointless thing that drains away the soul of the person of whom is writing and statusing on Facebook. I am going to list, in, every, paragraph what I hate about Faceboook.

1. I hate Facebook because it contains many various games such as Mafia Wars, FishVille, FarmVille, Word with Friends, Draw Something, Draw My Thing, CityVille, WPT Texas Hold Em' Poker, My City Life, Restaurant City, Zoo World, GnomeTown, World at War, Cupcake Corner, My Best Mates, My Top Fans, Photos, Friends etc.
These games make the person of which plays these games come back every hour, or day, or minute to check up on their particular situation and constantly `````` come back to it. Why would someone be complelled to do this day and night everyday? The Facebook Corporation knows why, because the Global Community has a need to devote themselves to a somewaht needy cause. But you know what? People should stand up against major corporations and support community and local causes! YAWP!

2. I hate Facebook because it allows whiny little girls to post stupid photos of themselves doing duckfaces and toilet dumping photos. No one would like it if I got a duck, cut it's face off and stuck it on my face and made it my Duckface? No one would like it if I did a dump in a toilet and reflect my face in the reflection in water with the dump in it? No one finds these duckface toilet dump photos attractive, and the only people who do are lonely little paedos who do cartwheels in their minds when they see you making yourself lame and stupid. People should stand up against social conformity and social norms and do individual things and make themselves a unique self! YAWP!

3. I hate Facebook because it generates a plethora of statuses that are not funny, that are depressing, or are just out to make them seem like they have some sort of life. Those people who try to make out that they are funny through statuses just shows the public that they are not truly funny and that they copy and paste jokes regurgitated from other websites (I have been subject to this once or twice, but the difference is that I search for original and groan inducing jokes, not lame "Why did the chicken cross the road?" or "Ya MUM!" jokes). People who makes depressing statuses show that they are depressing LOLSIE!
And yeah People should stand out for who they are! Not who they want to be! YAWP!

4. I hate Facebook because of the toxic blue colour that it advocates  through the colour behind it's name. It's a symbolic message that is an attempt by Corporations to get people to change their own ethnic culture to the culture of Facebook. They are essentially being the Borg assimilating humanity in the Star Trek of the past LOL. That is horrible! Why Blue?
 People should stand out for what race or ethnicity they are! Not the colour that Corporations want them to be! YAWP!

5. I hate Facebook as it is a way of the conspiring governments to mind control the populace of first world countries in changing their ideals from benevolent to malevolent ideas. They want us to convert our livelihoods from hard working people for our families, to sending our sick, wounded, babies, sad and old people to the abbatoir.
Honestly I don't think that I have been convertd yet but I feel that I agree with these mind manipulations.
People should stand up against Government manipulations and send their sick to the abbatoir! YAWP!

6. I hate Facebook as it is boring. YAWP!

There are some of my dot points! Enjoy them people of the sun!

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