Friday 30 March 2012

The Past

Oi Bruda's!

Hello guys! Just oh Burn here, just wondering how you guys are going? Good? YeahwellsoamI.
But this next part says otherwise.

I often think about the bad times in life
and they plague me for days on end when I do.
My mind comes up with ideas to combat these bad memories
but makes my heartache harder to silence.
By remembering these squallers I pause my emotions
and others see that I am having a bad time
but I am really fine at the present
and bad in the past.
By speaking of our misfortunes we often relieve them
and when I remember this from Corneille
I forgive myself
and my others
to achieve catharsis.

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

Now here is another poem about the past, which is extremely happy and YEAYAYAYA!

I am happy with what I've done
My friends I made recently
The achievers gonna achieve and win lots n lots
What could possibly go wrong in the past?

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

Thursday 29 March 2012


Todays girlfriend was totally lame dudes, as there was one problem with her.
She didn't fit.
Relationship ova.

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

I am just... eh..

Sitting in the courtroom, with my head in my knees
I cry quietly in desperation of the pains I may yet feel.
I tried my best to help her, but all she did was take
and now she'll take the only thing I have left.
I used to be a man of integrity and honour,
till I met her.
People used to call my name out and greet me
till I met her.
My name used to be a word of satisfaction
till I met her.
Now people and me just meet with antipathy.
And now I am in the clouds, away from the troubles
and resting my aching soul from my material life.
I had never met her, but if I did
then she would have slowed down a little
and stopped my decrepit fate.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


'Your resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing, you must bear this in mind'
she said to the young boy sitting in the room with her. He signed
the assessment sheet and then smiled with a faint sense of distaste
then hastily sped out. With foretaste
he walked into his spherical mind of creative influence and integral ingenuity found in young, innocent children.

Walking along, the boy was in dreamlike state of mind, thinking of his own life.
The dreams he was experiencing were light, airy, sparse, fairy like visions
like he was dreaming about fairies. These dreams
never left him, even as an adult as you never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.
That is why the boy grew up to become the Fairy Queen of the night.

No child but must remember laying his head in the grass, staring into the infinitesimal forest and seeing it grow populous with fairy armies. Seeing these sporadic armies as an influential youth, he knew what he must become and he was destined for a life against divine revelation, and more into his own fate (which could in turn be divine revelation... or not?)

His fight for survival made him have numerous fights with people in the street, and this was lolsies.

I can't believe I have reduced myself to this.

Anime girls are so much fun
when I shot the telly with a gun
I am so amazing with dis rime
and with the flick of a dime
i am in time
for this grime
of my lime
in my drink.

Yumyum yum
in my tum
for the phum
of my so cool pilum
and i stab with that pilum
and go well with that pilum
and go and pilum
some trucks who are pilin'.

I can't believe this poem has lasted so bloody long
since these rhymes are so strong
the integrity of my persona decreases
with each stanza that is made for Theresa's

Lameo's poem.... sorry.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Gold Digging.

Today I went out to the back patio On My Own and starting digging for some gold! Turns out hitting the pipelines is not where gold lies so I waited for the water to be fixed.

So anyway, I found some gold and yeah now I'm rich!

Tuesday 13 March 2012


Could you be any slower guys? I expected 1000 views a couple of weeks ago at least! Jeez!

Saturday 10 March 2012


NB: I forgot to mention that I thought that the person I had today was quite a slippery fish, as each time I held them she tried to slither out of my hands and get back in the water.
I should not have let her out of the bathtub, she would have been happier there, considering she was a fish and she could not live in the outside world.

We went to her funeral today as she died of oxygen deprivation. Was a good turn out I must say.
I say indeed.

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

Round the 'burbs'.

Wasn't today an exciting one ay?

I decided that I would go for a jog round the burbs and find a new rapture. Alas, my rapture was found and captured.

Turned out she wasn't satisfactory and I ended it quickly.
It was a good turn out for a while.

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

Friday 9 March 2012

omg anger n blah

Today ended in quite a fiery explosion of emotions with today's girlfriend [whose name I shall not disclose ;)], as she didn't exactly live up to my expectations and that disappointed me.

It all started off with me and her being all friendly and such, then all of a sudden she just all of a sudden wanted to move to "the next level." Well, screw her! I'll move to the next level when I want to dammit!

So after her betrayal and traitorous lies to me, I walked away, expecting her to realise that it was over. Then, get this right, she wanted to talk things over. What the hell?!? Did she not realise what she had done had irreparably ruined our relationship forever? She just didn't get the message, so I told her that I was now indifferent to her and shall now on no longer acknowledge her existence.

Now she started to get angry, saying that I was being unreasonable, and I was the stupid one in this relationship. How could I be the stupid one? I'm better than her!
So then we got into a fist-fight, and it ended with us making out and getting back together.

We aren't together anymore because I told her that her "Girlfriend Quota" had been used up and she was nothing but a used sock to me now. Orav-waa I said to her. Good riddance.

Please note that I do not have a daily girlfriend, but I am just being stupid.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Friday 2 March 2012


I have nothing to say. Go cry about it.

Dancefloor dancing

today i went to tthis thing and had a good time where i partied really good way and grinded and grinded all the sexy girls on the dancefloor till i had no waist left on me
this one girl right, she danced and did the same thing as me right, and well some funny stuff happened and i don't remmebr what happned
so anyway the music was great and i had a good time and i got at least 5 different girls numebrs that night and now i am gonna call one of them later on tonight to  see if they want to do something later like more dancing or something "else"

Did you like that Poem? It twas an urban inspired poem, brought from my fun experience at the Friction Dance Club. Maybe you'd like to try it one night?