Friday 19 October 2012

Story Time!

There was a time in the past that many people were quite ill. Ill is an understatement of how ill they were. People roamed the streets filled with colds and boogers and poos and lolz. This all stopped one day when the modern day "clothing" was made and people no longer absorbed the transcendental and transgressional movements of sick anti-bodies which consumed and entered the bodies blood stream and the blood stream is full of the sick that causes sick to be sick, being an endless cycle of samsara and how the men and women are constantly dynamically and motionally changing in reference to the methods of the contemporary society of the day of today, a day of today which is a friday, friday, a friday which you gotta get down on friday, but TGIF because if it weren't friday then that song could not be sung for the whole society which is partlu verified for the people of the society to be the people they truly want to be! Rejoice!

I feel the best jokes have been Taken.

My jokes are really great, but I feel this excerpt from the Conservatorium of Funny People, of which I wrote many academic essays is needed to fully show the best things that comedians like myself can offer:

"I was going to tell you a Liam Neeson joke... but they were all taken...
I was going to tell you a Johnny Cash joke... but they were all terrible so I made them walk the line...
I was going to tell you a joke about the hours... but it ended in 24 hours...
The essay that will proceed this in the future will be discussing the economic, religious and social implications of bad puns upon society, and how they either benefit or cause detriment to the individual at hand. The end conclusion will leave the reader understanding our perspective on this situation."

The essay mentioned will be installed at a later date. Oh baby please don't go.....

Come back to me!

Saturday 13 October 2012


It's time for a new post I say! It's gonna be a post-modern poem, as I'm getting back into the poetry side of things. Good luck!


Quite post-modern wouldn't you say? It's quite a rippa if I do say so myself!