Saturday 14 July 2012

I Scrape and Scrape!

Cleaning off the tabletop, Matt clambered over to the other side of the room, grabbed up the vacuum cleaner and turned it on. The large dragon of eating dust machine started doing things.

Matt gave up as everything was clean and put some popcorn in the microwave. He turned and was surprised as his ex was staring him in the face.
"What are you doing here?" Matt exclaimed with some vigour pouring out of his mouth. His ex's face turned 90 degrees to the left and said "I wish to be here 4 you." Then her mouth said "I was just walking down the 'burbs and hurd that you had some hamburg' 'buns and I want'd some."
Matt went like -__- then was like stabby stabby with a knife and the ex was deaded on the floor.
               As Matt went to tend to his wilting and turning sad popcorn, when his ex got back up. She turned into a popcorn and popped into the microwave. Matt poured the popcorn into a bowl and put them in the sink. His ex was waiting eagerly for him to put her in his mouth where she could pounce upon his insides and destroy him. To her immense displeasure and his intense gurgling of the stomache he poured fire into the bowl and disintegrated all the popcorn, including his ex.

Matt's response to this reciprocation was: "I like it smokey." Hmmm yes. Interesting development yes?

Sir, I am a waiter. Next time you want to tell me a story, make sure it is your order, not this pile of crap.
Your order will be coming soon.


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